frequently asked questions

What is the phone number for the fab office?

Feel free to call us at any time. Our toll free number is 833-755-HOPE and our direct local line is 918-561-1569.

What is the address of the fab office?

Our address is 1013 E 66th Place, Tulsa, OK 74136.

How long Did the study last?

Participants were asked to wear a wearable for 28 days, and to give at least five (5) blood samples (1/4 tsp each) during this time.

If I have a question, whom should I contact?

You can contact the FAB team at or Dr. Julie Croff at, or the phone number listed above.

How often did participants interact with the research staff?

Research staff met with participants once per week to service the wearables and collect a blood sample.   Our team was flexible to meet participants when they were available.

were participants able to participate in the study more than once?

No.  However, we did ask for permission to keep participant contact information in case there are future opportunities.   

How old did participants need to be to participate in the study?

Participants were between the ages of 14-24 years old.

Where was the monitor supposed to be worn?

The monitor is designed to be worn either on the ankle or on the wrist.

Who did participants contact if the monitor breaks?

The FAB research team is on call if the monitor breaks.

 How many hours of the day did participants have to wear the monitor?

The monitor was to be worn at least 21 hours out of the day.  It could be removed for showering and exercising.  

How much were participants paid for participating in the study?

Participants were paid up to $325 in gift cards for completing the study: $50 incentive for completion of week 1, $60 for completion of week 2, $70 for completion of week 3, and $80 for completion of week 4. Plus, you will receive a $65 bonus for completion of the trial and return of all instruments.

$325 dollars sounds like a lot of money, why are you paying so much?

This incentive was deemed appropriate for participants’ time and inconvenience.   We requested at least FIVE samples of blood.  We also expected participants to spend five hours on questionnaires and surveys over the month, to wear a monitor for 588 hours.  The $325 includes a bonus of $65 dollars if the equipment is returned in good condition.  If participants did not return the monitor or break it, they only received $260 dollars.  We added this incentive because the monitors are expensive and we want to make sure that they are cared for over the month of use.  

Did Participants wear the monitor when they went to bed?

 Yes, participants are expected to wear the monitor in bed and throughout the day, except for about 3 hours of time for showering/bathing and exercising.

could participants get the monitor wet?

We asked participants to please keep the monitor clean and dry.  The monitor is water-resistant, but not water-proof.  Also, please refrain from using alcohol-based products (hand sanitizer, some lotions, etc.) around the monitor.  

How often did participants receive incentives?

Participants received incentives weekly when the dried blood spots are collected.  As a reminder, for week one participants received a $50 gift card, for the completion of week two, participants received a $60 gift card, for the completion of week three, participants received a $70 gift card, $80 for the completion of week 4, and for the samples and an additional $15 for each blood sample requested beyond the five (5) required for each participant. Finally participants received a $65 bonus for completion of the trial and return of all instruments. 

Were participants worried that wearing the monitor will be a distraction at school or work?

We encouraged our participants to wear clothes that will hide the monitor to help minimize the distraction.  Here are some photos of what the monitor will look like. 
