Dr. Julie Croff

Dr. Croff is the project lead for the Tulsa FAB study. Originally from Norman, she has lived in San Diego, Boston, Stillwater, and now resides in Tulsa. She loves to swim and ride her bike. Her insta is full of food pictures - most emphasize the beauty of fruits and veggies.

Dr. Croff is classically trained in public health, with emphasis on alcohol and other drug use. Her research focuses on capturing human behaviors in unobtrusive ways. She used to spend a lot of time at bars and parties interviewing research participants. She wants to understand how people behave, how behaviors act together, and how that influences people's long-term health outcomes. 

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Erica Crockett, MPH

Erica Crockett is from Stillwater, OK. She earned a bachelor of science in Nutrition and a Master of Public Health from Oklahoma State University. She is currently enrolled in a PhD program in Biomedical Sciences at Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences in Tulsa. She has a passion for how food impacts the body and our long-term health. Her hobbies include spending time with her cats and husband and learning new things.

Susette Moyers, ph.d.

Dr. Moyers is the research coordinator for the Tulsa FAB:ME study. Originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, she completed her bachelor’s degree at the University of California, Los Angeles in psychology, her master’s degree at Pepperdine University in psychology, and her Ph.D. at the University of California, Merced in health psychology. Her hobbies include lifting weights, hiking outdoors, and spending time with friends and family. 

Dr. Moyers is a classically trained health psychologist and is completing a post-doctoral research fellowship in biological and behavioral approaches for the treatment and prevention of substance use disorders at the National Center for Wellness and Recovery at Oklahoma State University. Her research focuses on psychobiological aspects of stress and coping, health outcomes related to these processes, and how lifestyle/health-related behaviors impact these relationships across populations. Her research also focuses on theoretically grounded health behavior change techniques for promoting health enhancing behaviors, especially physical activity and sleep, and preventing health risk behaviors, including substance use.